titlebw.jpg (9098 bytes)  F I N E   A N T I Q U E   D O L L S   A N D   A C C E S S O R I E S

                                                       Nelling, Inc.    

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Click on Misc. Dolls to see Phase 1 of the Lenci Collection!

Cloth Dolls   Clothing


n  2025 SHOW SCHEDULE  n

Please ask for location and time details!

March 29 - 30 - Sherryl Shirran  Estate/Doll/Toy/Bear Sale, Anaheim Ca, at Shirran Family Home (Contact us for info.)

April 12 - Inland Empire Doll Club Show,  Riverside CA, at the Janet Goeske Senior Center, Room 1

May 3 - Santa Barbara Doll Club Show, Santa Barbara CA, Santa Barbara Elks Lodge

May 16 and 17 - NADDA National Antique Doll Dealers Assoc.  Show and Sale, Chicago Il, Sheraton Suites at Chicago O'hare Airport

July 22 - 26 - UFDC United Federation of Doll Clubs National Convention Salesroom, Norfolk VA, Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel

August 15 - 16 (Fri. and Sat.) - All-American Collectors Show for Toys and Dolls, Glendale CA, Glendale Civic Auditorium

October 5 - Ohio National Doll Show, Newark OH, Cherry Valley Hotel Exhibition Hall

December 6 - 7 (Sat. and Sun.) - Eastern National Doll Show, Gaithersburg MD, Montgomery Cty Fairgrownds


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Post Office Box 4327  n   Burbank, CA 91503

      Cell (818) 738-4591  n (818) 562-7839 

Member of NADDA and UFDC