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Nelling, Inc.

G e r m a n   D o l l s

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Kammer and Reinhardt 115A

Adorable Size and Presentation


Adorable dressed as a girl too, the Kammer and Reinhardt 115A is one of the most popular character molds that the company offered, this one having brown glass sleep eyes, light, peachy bisque, an antique, medium brown mohair wig, closed mouth with molded space in between lips, and having a fully jointed K*R composition and wood, slant hip  toddler body with slant hips.

The body finish is even, original and in ultra clean condition. She is at play in her antique, bouncy, blue on white striped cotton dress, with pinafore type bodice, and she has antique undergarments, shoes and socks that have a hint of a blue border. Shall we call her Phillippa instead of Phillip?

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Simon Halbig 1358

Ethnic Character


The brown bisque of this lovely Simon Halbig 1358 character girl is a warm, calming mocha.  In addition, she has rich, brown glass sleep eyes, and open mouth with exotic, full molded lips and four upper teeth. This wonderful character was made in a varying darker skin tones, each one giving this beloved child a different presence.  Her wispy wig is black, curly mohair and is original.

 The fully jointed composition body is nicely matched to the bisque color, in a warm medium brown. The mariner-inspired frock is of a navy/royal linen with a polished finish that has a pleated skirt, lace trim and a multi-colored insert of ruched fabric on the front bodice. Under the skirt is a sewn in, starched organdy pleated slip with lace trim. The dress is in excellent condition and when looking at the workmanship and quality on the inside, it confirms that this dress is from her period of manufacture.

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Bisque Head "Skippy"

13 1/2"
Hertel & Schwab


From the Hertel & Schwab company comes the doll that inspired the famous composition “Skippy” vintage doll.  This is the Skippy bisque head mold 126 and it is a cutie.  With bright blue sleep eyes, a puckered open mouth with two teeth, cherubic, full face with a healthy glow, and sandy blond molded, baby-style hair. 

The body is a chunky, five-piece composition toddler body that can either be displayed sitting or standing.  Either pose works adorably to show off the antique, red and white checkered cotton playsuit with matching bonnet, white socks and leather toddler shoes for playtime. Too cute!

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      Cell (818) 738-4591   n Home Phone (818) 562-7839 

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